Sunday 15 April 2007

Lazy Day

We had a lazy day today. Mostly it was filled with feed and kids TV. There’s one programme that Christopher loves called “In the Night Garden”. It’s a funny programme, but kept me hooked all the same! The main character in it is called Upsy Daisy and she’s a funny looking character, pink and yellow striped if my memory serves me right. Christopher can’t say Upsy Daisy or In the Night Garden, so when he wants to watch the recordings of this programme he’ll just walk about saying, what sounds like, “Cee Cee Cee”. Cute! One of the other characters is called Macka Packa, and his bum looks likes Christopher’s does when his nappy is full!

Mid afternoon and Pete finally stops working. Hels sends him out to Tesco to get some bits for a BBQ, as well as a couple of disposable BBQs as they have no gas for their main one. After a couple of hours he comes back armed with the BBQs and loads of meat and some withered looking salad. I think a BBQ is always a man’s domain as neither Hels nor I were allowed near to help! We were on little people duty, i.e. keeping Christopher away from the hot bits and making sure he didn’t tip himself backwards over the chair when he was eating. Bethan came to sit out with us for a short while, although it was disturbing to see how interested she was in all the meaty bits of food! Spose it is tastier than formula milk!

The marathon bed time routine commenced, this time with the added bonus of them trying to give Christopher a bath! He’d decided today that he wanted to eat mud so was pretty much grubby from that and putting a flower pot on his head! I did get another good night kiss from him when he was clean; I’m now well and truly excepted!

At 11.30 Beth came in for her feed and change and decided that tonight she’d pee all over daddy when he was changing her!!! I had to hide my laughter behind a handily placed cushion!

Ahhhh, bed time at last! Macka Packa acka wacka micka macka moo……..zzzzzzzzz

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