Monday 16 April 2007

Penultimate Day

Today is my last full day with the clan. It’s over far too quick. Beth is still suffering with a cold so refuses to have much feed. Still, we managed to settle her and take a trip to John Lewis to get a birthday present for Pete. We thought this would be a hard task but headed to the electrical section to see if we could find a new toy for Pete to play with. Sorry, gadget, not toy! Anyway, pretty quickly we came across some funky looking photo frames. They were no ordinary photo frames though…..they were USB ones. You plug them into the USB port of your computer, load in a memory card (I think!) and all your photos are played on the screen of the frame. Quite funky I thought! It was all a bit too easy, the ideal gift, Bethan still asleep…… we decided to head back over to Sainsburys to get something for lunch. We ended up with a big fat baguette and a pack of bacon, heaven! By the time we got home Bethan had just started to stir and was ready for a small bit of lunch herself. By the time we’d finished and watched a film it was time to pick Christopher up from nursery, stopping off on the way to pick up his prescription and drop it off at the chemist. It’s one heck of a walk up there. It’s all uphill on the way so I was cream crackered by the time we reached the nursery. Hels went in whilst I looked after Bethan outside. I saw a little blue flash come past one window and stop at the window next to me. Christopher had come darting through the nursery and was grinning at me through the window! On the trip back home (thankfully downhill all the way!) we stopped a good number of times so that Christopher could look over some railings and see the stream which run parallel to the main road. I was grateful for the breaks to be honest, my arthritis was playing up and I was shattered from 3 nights of not going to bed before 11.30. You wouldn’t believe I turn 26 in June would you!

Finally we made it home and later we all collapsed in front of the telly with our sausage and mash to watch the last episode of Life on Mars. I’d seen it before but was always willing to watch it again, if not for the excellent story lines then for the eye candy!


OddThomas said...

So you like a man in leather then? ;-)

Cath said...

Uh huh! Remember that next time we meet up *lol*!