Thursday 12 April 2007

Thursday the 12th... always worse than Friday the 13th!

Least from past experience anyway! Judging by this evening's antics that still stands. Whilst out on a drive with a friend we found ourselves up in Dunstable. Very nice up there, although too many unlit roads for my liking! Don't get me wrong, I'm against light pollution and all that, just not when I'm in a car, haha! Me....selfish....never!

The friend I was with has just bought herself a new car. It's a year old Yaris, much newer than mine at an ancinet 5 years!

Tonight we had come through from Dunstable and were following the signs to Hemel (once we were in Hemel we were confident of the way home!). I estimate our speed to have been about 40mph at the time, so whilst not break-neck speed it's hardly safe on an unlit road. All of a sudden I hear myself shout out an obscenity followed by, "please brake!" Turns out the road had narrowed really suddenly to cater for some kind of bridge and possibly as a warning for the sharp turn directly after. I kid you not, we were inches away from taking the side off the car and ramming head on into the mini which was just exiting the bit of single file road. Needless to say the said friend now has a brown stain on the front seat and tomorrow I undergo surgery to replace my stomach!

Actually, tomorrow I'm off up Norff. I'm visiting my friend who had a baby in December. I'm really looking forward to seeing them, despite the earlier text message which informed me that they'd spent all day in A&E with their son as he'd decided to "jump through a pane of glass". I shall be interested to find out what his motives were and just where that pane of glass was!

I shall be back on Tuesday afternoon ready for steralization and another 2 weeks off work!

Hope you have a great weekend Rich :-)

1 comment:

OddThomas said...

Been there before, seeing a corner in the dark only just in time! Scary stuff!!!

Have a good break, enjoy playing with the kids ... and keep blogging!