Thursday 26 April 2007

Feetgazer Gig

Last night was fantastic. I got into London just after six where I met up with a friend who was coming to the gig with me, then we made our way to Camden via a very hot and sticky tube. I really couldn’t do that every day, it’d drive me nuts.

We found a Wagamamas near where the gig was being held so decided to eat in there. The food is a bit fancy for me, but tasty nonetheless. The one thing I do begrudge though is going out to eat with someone who wants to split the bill dead in half when you’ve just made it blindingly clear that you don’t have any spare pennies. Considering I’d paid £6.50 for the car park at the train station so get us home safely, then £12.50 for a travel card and £12 for the tickets (all three days before pay day!) I wasn’t in the mood to split things down the middle. Especially as I’d only come away with a cheapish main course, a diet coke and an ice lolly in comparison with her not-so-cheap main course, expensive fancy desert, beer and two mugs of green tea. Humph!

Anyway! Rants aside.

Eventually we walked down to and found Dingwalls. It’s not all that easy to find as it has Jongleurs written on the door! Intelligent, I must say. It was a bit dark inside but the bar was relatively close to the door, so it was a case of sniff out the bevies and see who was on stage.

The first guy to play was a young artist called James Murray. I think we must have missed his first song but the rest of his set was amazing. At the end of his set he said he had a MySpace page so I decided to look him up when I got home.

He was the only act I managed to catch the name of. There was another one on between him and Feetgazer but I failed to catch their name. Looking at the list provided by Dingwalls prior to the evening I can’t even deduce from that who the other acts were as none of them sound familiar and James isn’t even listed!

Finally it was time for Feetgazer to get themselves set up, which they took their time doing! Feetgazer’s lead singer is a guy called Richie Wermerling and he’s the reason I wanted to head down there and see them perform. Richie used to be the lead singer back in the 90s of a group called Let Loose so I’ve always had a bit of a fan girl thing going on for him, but this was to be my first time seeing him live.

I wasn’t disappointed. They were fantastic, full of energy, enthusiasm and genuinely looked like they belonged on stage together. They opened up with Wonderland, and then went into the newer song Smokescreens and Planes. Beggars and Thieves followed with You and Me Against the World after. Finally my two favourite tracks were played; She Rocks and Sexy Woman. They’re both cracking lively tracks which are guaranteed to get things tapping! At one stage during She Rocks, Richie decided to jump into the crowd at the front of the stage and started clapping. He almost landed on me which I wasn’t too amused with! If you have access to my videos on MySpace they’re worth checking out to see how they perform live.

All in all it was a great night and I met some new people. One is a woman who added me to her MySpace from Richie’s page. Turns out that she knows my friend Jules from their days of stalking Take That! It’s a very small world indeed.

1 comment:

OddThomas said...

I know that place - we were taken there when Bar Risa first opened in Watford as a training session to see how the other clubs operated. People paid more attention to the acts than to the staff!