Thursday 10 May 2007

They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To

When I was younger we had a great array of kids’ programmes to watch. The main ones I remember being Bagpuss, Button Moon, Cockleshell Bay, Tom and Jerry, Looney Toons, Fraggle Rock and Mr Ben. My all time favourite though was Sooty.

The loveable yellow bear still manages to have me giggling away. Recently I came across a few clips on You Tube. Granted Soo was a little annoying, and I think Sweep was somewhat underestimated! He manages to steel the show on a few occasions.

The best clip I’ve come across recently is the one below of Sherlock Sooty, in three parts. Unfortunately the sound and picture aren’t that great.

The show seemed to go down hill when Matthew Corbett handed over the gloves.

Today’s children’s television is full of people dressed up in fat suits making unintelligible noises whilst jumping around as if high on some illegal drug or other.

And they had the cheek to ban Tom and Jerry for being too violent…….

1 comment:

OddThomas said...

You left out Dangermouse! And as far as Looney Tunes goes, Road Runner was by far the best - Meep Meep!! :-D

My mate has been going through his old family cine reels and found one that has 6 episodes of Sooty and Co with Harry Corbett, which I should think would be pretty collectable!

Got one question with these clips: in the intro, Sooty paints pictures of his pals then makes them 'magically' disappear - good old TV effects! Why bother?! If he can make them disappear, he can make them appear, too! :-D

Izzy Wizzy lets get busy!