Thursday, 14 February 2008

All Out Of Witty

Out of most things actually; energy, enthusiasm, interest

Every day is beginning to blend into the next. I get hit snooze a few times, realise there are other people waiting to get into the bathroom, panic, struggle up, wash, back to bed, dry hair, dress, in car, drive to work, put the kettle on, turn the computer on, make tea whilst the computer starts up, open email, ignore emails, open database software, open internet, open the bubble game, play bubble game, ignore ensuing emails, check person emails, send reply text to Sue, back to the bubble game, go home, sleep. You can pretty much guarantee that’s how every week day is. The only variation of a weekend is that I might throw in a game of the Sims for a bit of a change.

Since last Friday’s visit to the consultant at the hospital I just have even less of an interest in things. Once again it would appear that everything is all in my head. The only sensible thing he managed to say, after our 10 minute argument over how much weight I‘ve lost since I last saw him (nearly 4 stone if anyone’s keeping tabs), was that I should get referred back to the gastroenterology department. Thanks. Helpful. I’m sure they’re going to be extremely tactful in telling me that I’m making up the weight loss, the blood and the pain. Insert heavy sarcasm when reading that last sentence.

So now I’ve got more tablets to add to the remit and some more steroids too, which are always fun. Like me, the GP is reluctant to send me back to the gastro department. I don’t think I can put myself through all the cameras, sedation, and general poking that goes on whilst in their “care”. Bah, I don’t even know where this post is going.

Actually, think I might pop out to pick up a newspaper from somewhere. The plonker opposite is driving me insane with his endless drumming on the table. I’ve had a cracking headache for 3 days now, nothing will shift it. I even tried overdosing on the painkillers yesterday to see if that would help, nope, nada, not a sausage. All that succeeded in doing was making me more tired. Probably going over to my gran’s the other night didn’t help. My granddad has been transferred from one nursing home to another, which is more suitable for his needs as they specialise in elderly patients rather than nursing care. On the plus side he seemed to really enjoy his first day there, despite it ending with him in agony with his hernia but I think he probably just overdid things a bit. There’s only so much fraternising a 92 year old should do in one day. My gran is looking healthier these days too. She hasn’t managed to put on any weight since she had this Norovirus that was doing the rounds, but generally she looks healthier and more relaxed than she did prior to this.

So I’m back from lunch. I ended up at Tesco as they’re probably sick of the sight of me in Marks. I know the Big Issue guy probably is the amount of times I’ve walked past him this week without buying a copy. In all fairness though I have very little cash, and seeing as Marks don’t give change on their gift vouchers I’ve had to use their vouchers.

The lack of cash is down to the fact that I’ve paid all my bills this month, including a rather hefty £160 internet bill – I hadn’t paid it for about 8 months – it’s a miracle I was still connected really. Turns out I was still paying extra on one of my loans too after taking a month off from it last year, but that’s rectified now and I’m back down to what I should be paying. It’s only £20 a month, but that’s still £20. If I’m sensible now and stop exceeding my limits on cards and buying things I really don’t need then I should be able to start saving. Easier said than done I spose.

Dumb employee of the month award goes to a little Chinese woman I work with. You should know that when one of the directors asks you how things are going you always reply with, “fine thanks.” She doesn’t. She replies with, “it’s so quiet, I’ve nothing to do, no one has anything to do.” Standing behind her I’m overcome with a sudden urge to smack her one with my stick. The director tells her to help the infrastructure team as they’re overwhelmed with a new custodial project. It’s the project from hell; nobody wants to be part of it. It’s run by complete morons who you help for 3 days to open a particular file, only for them to turn around and say, “I don’t have the right software, does that matter?”

On that note, I’ve got some bits to do so should probably get on. Pffffft